I love the blogosphere because it's so easy to jump into the lives of other moms out there and learn from them, share advice on anything from toddler teething to dealing with disappointment about not making the team or commiserate about the tribulation of cabin fever. It's very encouraging and uplifting to know that others 'get it' and I'm not alone on this ride through motherhood.
And then there are the lives I enter on my knees, in intercession for a sick child or family crisis that I come to know about through a prayer request posted on one of the blogs I read.
That's how I came across Katie's site last year. Her sweet little Reese was born with difficulties that the touch of Heaven would ultimately heal and by the time I came to Katie's blog, it wasn't to offer advice on how to get a newborn to sleep through the night, but rather to convey my deepest heartfelt sorrow over the loss of her precious little girl. Like several other families I've grieved with, I felt pressed to make a memory journal for Katie to write in. It's a place to remember the details of Reese's brief but indelible life, the struggle of letting her go and hopefully, with time, a place to joyfully give thanks to God in Heaven for His gift of little girls. Thank you, Katie, for sharing your beautiful baby girl with so many of us.